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Wild about words

I’m a proud “word nerd.” I love words; I collect them like baseball cards. I like weird words, wonky words, witty words and even a handful of Welsh words (fun fact: the word for “carrot” in Welsh is “moron”). As a person prone to collecting things, I hoard words like a doomsday prepper stashes toilet paper. Is it an illness? Probably. But it’s cheaper than golf.
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A quite momentous day

Friday, July 16 was a momentous day in my life. I wrote my first newspaper column, and I successfully grew my first tomato in Texas soil. Truthfully had I ever been asked the odds of either one of those things, I would have given greater odds to the former rather than the latter. One would think the opposite would be true, wouldn’t you? Let me give you a little background …
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Growth, employment and sustainability

As the I-10 expansion continues to advance west, the community of Sealy needs to begin to consider the impact that the unprecedented growth will have on the area. How will we improve infrastructure? Will we have enough affordable housing? How will we maintain and attract new businesses and just as important how will we train residents or attract skilled and professional employees into our community?