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It’s on the tip of my tongue

Do you ever have a hard time coming up with the right word? You get stuck and pause in the middle of a sentence, grasping to remember the name of that type of knife technique where you dice vegetables until they’re incredibly small. By the way, the term you’re looking for is “brunoise,” but you can’t quite retrieve it from the place in your brain where that word lives.
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Out like a lion

March is winding down and my sister-in-law, Lori, is going with it. There is too much food and too many flowers because that is what we do when someone is dying, when we don’t know what else to do as, gradually, the unthinkable becomes accepted and even ordinary.
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Sealy Main Street rolling

Sealy Main Street is ready to keep the ball rolling! The past year has been spent setting the program up for success. Thanks to Sealy EDC Director Kimbra Hill and the submission of her Strategic Plan (which can be viewed on our website at SealyEDC.com/ MainStreet) we are now officially a certified Main Street District with the Main Street of America program.
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A look at pet names, baby talk

Remember that episode of “Seinfeld” where Jerry and Sheila (Jerry’s girlfriend for one episode) call each other “schmoopie”? This schmaltzy, saccharine show of cutesy nicknaming made the rest of the gang sick. Most people remember this episode for the “Soup Nazi” yelling “No soup for you!” I, however, can’t get the babytalk nicknames out of my mind.
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A discourse on four-letter words

I‘ve been contemplating a new parenting tactic: pre-emptively teaching my son bad words. Miles is seven, and he will someday know all the same expletives as I do. Because of this, I surmise that he ought to learn the words in context from his dad. That’s why I’ve started a spreadsheet in which I rank bad words from the tamest to the most profane. I’ll teach him two words per year with proper context and word origins, and keep instructing him until I exhaust the list.